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Book Cover

Cambridge University Press

This page hosts materials that are supplementary to the book Clays in the Critical Zone


Chapter 1

Figure 1.1 (Size of things)
Errata Figure 1.2
Figure 1.3 (Rheology)
Figure 1.4 (Rocks in crust)
Figure 1.5 (Disciplines in Clay Science)
Figure 1.6 (Ternary diagrams)
Figure 1.7 (Critical Zone)
Figure 1.8 (Nasreddin Hodja)
Figure 1.9 (CZ analogies)
Figure 1.10 (Brucite, Gibbsite, Goethite)
Figure 1.11 (Lizardite, Kaolinite)
Figure 1.12 (Phlogopite, Muscovite)
Figure 1.13 (Antigorite, Palygorskite)

Chapter 2

Table 2.1 (Clay and CZ pioneers)

Figure 2.1 (Jiangxi, China)

Figure 2.3 (Mitosis by Gary Erickson)

Chapter 3

Figure 3.1 (Generation of X-rays)

Table 3.6 (Calculation of mass absorption coefficient)
Figure 3.2 (Bohr atom model radiation terminology)
Figure 3.3 (monochromatic ray scattering from a point)
Figure 3.4 (phase shift interference)
Figure 3.5 (monochromatic ray scattering from a row)
Figure 3.6 (2D lattice Bragg condition)
Figure 3.7 (atomic scattering efficiency and angle)
Figure 3.8 (Kaolinite structure and diffraction)
Figure 3.9 (interference function and coherent scattering domain)
Figure 3.10 (Lorentz-polarization factor)

Table3.10 (Comparison of X-rays and electron scattering properties)
Figure 3.11 (layer structure factor, interference function, and Lp)
Figure 3.12 (Bragg-Brentano para-focusing geometry)
Figure 3.13 (aberrations and instrument factors)
Figure 3.14 (Instrument functions)
Figure 3.15 (binary mixtures with different mass absorptions)
Figure 3.16 (known additions)
Figure 3.17 (calculated mixed layer illite-smectite patterns)
Figure 3.18 (Q values illite-smectite)
Figure 3.19 (energy dispersive spectra and wavelength dispersive maps)
Figure 3.20 (Ewald sphere)
Figure 3.21(Ewald sphere 100)
Figure 3.22 (Ewald sphere hkl)
Figure 3.23 (Ewald sphere reciprocal lattice)
Figure 3.24 (electron diffraction geometry and pattern)
Figure 3.25 (simulated electron diffraction talc – indexed)
Figure 3.26 (Schematic tri- and dioctahedral structure and OH orientations)
Figure 3.27 (potential energy analog  for symmetry energy states)
Figure 3.28 (vibrational modes of water)
Figure 3.29 (IR spectrum and structure of brucite)
Figure 3.30 (IR spectrum and structure of gibbsite)
Figure 3.31 (IR spectrum and structure of kaolinite)
Figure 3.32 (IR spectrum and structure of lizardite)
Figure 3.33 (IR spectrum and structure of talc)
Figure 3.34 (IR spectrum and structure of pyrophyllite)
Figure 3.35 (IR spectrum and structure of chlorite)
Figure 3.36 (Raman spectra of aluminum hydroxides)
Figure 3.37 (Raman spectrum of brucite)
Figure 3.38 (Raman spectra of antigorite and dickite)
Figure 3.39 (Raman spectra of talc and pyrophyllite)
Figure 3.40 (Raman spectra of annite and muscovite)
Figure 3.41 (Raman spectra of montmorillonite and clinochlore)
Figure 3.42 (TGA and DTG curves for brucite and gibbsite)
Figure 3.43 (TGA and DTG curves for chrysotile and kaolinite)
Figure 3.44 (TGA and DTG curves for pyrophyllite and talc)
Figure 3.45 (TGA and DTG curves for muscovite and biotite)
Figure 3.46  TGA and DTG curves for vermiculite and chlorite)
Figure 3.47 (TGA and DTG curves for montmorillonite and saponite)

Chapter 4

Figure 4.1 (phase diagram for H2O)
Figure 4.2 (Debye-Huckel activities)
Figure 4.3 (gibbsite – albite activity at different pH)
Figure 4.4 (activity diagram construction)
Figure 4.5 (free energy dissolution kaolinite to gibbsite)
Figure 4.6 (kaolinite dissolution rate at different temperature and pH)
Figure 4.7 (temperature dependence of kaolinite dissolution rates)
Figure 4.8 (kaolinite crystal morphologies and properties)
Figure 4.9 (surface vs transport control dissolution and precipitation rates kaolinite)
Figure 4.10 (activity diagram gibbsite-kaolinite-smectite-albite-opal)
Figure 4.11 (Hawaiian latosols and rainfall)
Figure 4.12 (meta-gabbro weathering profile mineralogy)
Figure 4.13 (chemical weathering rate by temperature, runoff, and erosion rate)
Figure 4.14 (1:1 and 2:1 layer structure charge distributions in solution)
Figure 4.15 (net surface charge and pH)
Figure 4.16 (anion and cation concentrations away from surface at different pH and salinity)

Table 4.3 (Zero point of charge for minerals)
Figure 4.17 (Langmuir isotherm schematic)
Figure 4.18 (Cs+ adsorption on montmorillonite in chloride solutions)
Figure 4.19 (Cs+ adsorption on kaolinite in chloride solutions)
Figure 4.20 (Limits of life by temperature and pressure)
Figure 4.21 (TEM of virus phage and attachment to EPS)
Figure 4.22 (range of Eh and pH in natural waters)
Figure 4.23 (schematic chelate complex with ferric iron)


Chapter 5

Figure 5.1 (exfoliation and granite weathering in Georgia USA)
Figure 5.2 (core stone and granite weathering in Georgia USA)

Figure 5.2s (supplement - granite core stone in Georgia USA)
Figure 5.3 (mass transfer tau function in granite weathering profile)
Figure 5.4 (X-ray diffractograms of clay in granitic weathering profile)
Figure 5.5 (elemental analysis of sand sized biotite grains in granite weathering profile)
Figure 5.6 (minerals in a granite weathering profile)
Figure 5.7 (scanning electron micrographs of weathered biotite and halloysite)
Figure 5.8 (thin section of meta-gabbro saprolite and Fe-Ti-bearing grains)
Figure 5.9 (X-ray diffraction patterns of clay fraction in meta-gabbro)
Figure 5.10 (minerals in a meta-gabbro weathering profile)
Figure 5.11 (minerals in an ultramafic mafic weathering profile)
Figure 5.12  (mass transfer tau function in an ultra-mafic weathering profile)

Figure 5.12s (ultra-mafic chlorite schist weathering profile 0-170 cm depth)
Figure 5.13 (X-ray diffraction patterns of clay fraction in chlorite-schist weathering profile)
Figure 5.14 (observed and model X-ray diffraction patterns clays in sites with different land use)
Figure 5.15 (clay mineral abundances in weathering profiles in sites with different land use)
Figure 5.16 (schematic weathering profiles of biosequence in a granitic gneiss)
Figure 5.17 (timeline of land use history and chemical changes in soil profiles)
Figure 5.18 (Jug Handle Preserve ecological staircase of Jenny)
Figure 5.19 (X-ray diffraction patterns of 60 cm depth soil samples from Jug Handle terraces)
Figure 5.20 (Merced River, CA terrace ages, mineralogy, and positions chronosequence)
Figure 5.21 (X-ray diffraction bulk random patterns chronosequences in Costa Rica)
Figure 5.22 (X-ray diffraction clay fine fraction patterns chronosequences in Costa Rica)
Figure 5.23ab (XRD and TEM data for reaction products of Fe-beidellite)
Figure 5.23cd (IR and DTA-TG data for reaction products of Fe-beidellite)
Figure 5.24 (Structural transformation of smectite to kaolinite schematic)
Figure 5.25 (clay at 16 cm in soils in different parent material at different temp and rainfall)
Figure 5.26 (temperature-moisture-clay content relations and domains of weathering)
Figure 5.27 (X-ray diffraction patterns from a toposequence in serpentines in Taiwan)
Figure 5.28 (Weathering indices for a toposquence in different landscape postions)
Figure 5.29 (cross-section of runoff processes on a hillslope and clay mineral assemblages)